My Femininity blogs
For the strong, smart, and ambitious women with too many responsibilities, who want to feel more feminine

Heal the relationship with your mother and flourish as a woman
Your relationship with your mother is in the base of how you see yourself and how you interact with the world around you.
Femininity and independence
The importance of being independent as a feminine woman and how to achieve it

The qualities that make us feel and look feminine
The more feminine qualities you possess and express more feminine you are perceived
The 3 things that dim your feminine light
We are born to feel alive and to radiate light and love, then why are we not really doing it?
How to stay relevant as a woman in the next 30 years?
What to start working on today, so that we stay relevant in the years to come and the time passing by is less scary.
The fastest way to get out of your head
An effective technique for busy women to reconnect to our body and to feel rejuvenated, joyful and alive again

Strong women can build meaningful relationships
The masculine in us can be very strong, but if we don't forget to connect to the feminine, we can have success and fulfillment.
What is your essence feminine or masculine?
An interesting way to test whether you have a feminine or a masculine essence.