Welcome to my femininity blog!
This is a place for a bite-sized wisdom. I am inviting you in to learn, to get inspired and to get to know me better. You will receive valuable tips and will have a sneak peak at my inner world. I am grateful for your curiosity!
Don't know where to start from?
I've mentioned that I am an organization nerd, right? :) To help you find your way, I've structured my femininity blog in categories:
- Femininity: For the strong, smart, and ambitious women with too many responsibilities, who want to feel more feminine
- For the fulfillment seekers: Here you will find life fulfillment simplified. Tips and easy-to-apply techniques to boost your fulfillment and your aliveness
- For the working women: You can find here my view on productivity, time management, business relationships, my CEO experiences and my tips on how to stay centered even in the busiest moments
- Relationships: Being practical here about how to change your status from “dating” to “in a relationship” and my top tips on how to build a relationship of depth and true connection
- Personal: From my birth story to my love life, my journey as a mom, daughter, sister and a friend. In this category you will see my “behind the scenes”
Have fun and don't be shy. I would love to read your comments!
My latest blogs
Jealousy in Friendships
Why you get jealous and 3 ways to navigate jealousy in your friendships
Transforming Your Home's Energy
Feng Shui principles and tips on how to take care of your home while staying in your feminine energy
Your partner drives you crazy?
A priceless guidance to navigate the differences in your characters
Only ONE secret to all your relationships
What defines the depth of your relationships and the fulfillment you get from them?
What is the missing link? Maybe your soul values?
What the soul values are? How to discover yours? What changes when you start acting from them?