Did you have an experience of being really drawn to something, truly wanting it, knowing that this is your thing, the thing that you are here to do…and at the same time being frozen by fears - fear to fail, fear to expose yourself, fear to embarrass the people you love…? Wanting to follow your dream, but having all kind of excuses why now it is not the right moment to start? Being full of ideas, but not finding courage to start any of them? What are you doing then?
Well, I will tell you what I have done and what stages I’ve went through.
Stage one: I was beating myself up for not making a move. I was waiting for some vague better moment and I was hard on myself for that. Now, when I am looking back at this stage, I think that I should have been kinder to myself and more tolerant towards the inner struggles I was experiencing.
Stage two: I realized that since I am not able to make a step, I am not ready for it. So, first I needed to prepare. Instead of resisting and pushing back my fears and limiting believes (which I was doing in stage one), I stopped hiding from them and started to accept them, talk about them. They were standing on my way and I had to deal with them before I was picking up anything else.
At the end of this stage, my pain of not doing what my heart so desperately wanted was bigger than all my fears. I was ready to begin.
Stage three: I’ve done the best I could to clarify my idea and I made a realistic action plan, which I’ve started following and which I am adjusting along the way.
This is how I’ve begun my second attempt of being an entrepreneur. I’ve started this journey, not knowing where it will bring me, but I follow this path with joy and determination. This is what I am celebrating.
I set small goals for myself and every time when I reach one, a next one lights up a little bit further ahead of me. I think that in life and in business, there is never an end goal. We can always learn more, serve better, contribute more, go deeper, connect stronger, find another meaning. So, I am celebrating the journey and the massive uncomfortable action I am taking, the pride I feel for summitting my courage and for always finding a new way to get out of my comfort zone.
If you also feel strongly drawn to something but your fears are still stopping you from taking action, don’t be too hard on yourself. Keep reminding yourself that your best version is on the other side of your fears. Just don’t let go of your dreams. When you are ready, you will find your way.
If you are looking on ideas to deal with your fears, I have a blog post about it.
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