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FREE TRAINING: Revive your relationship after kids

You love your partner but you've lost your spark? Reclaim the physical and emotional closeness in your relationship, even admits the chaos of parenting!

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Unlock the Secrets of Your Feminine Bliss

A rich, one-of-a-kind, immersive experience exquisitely designed for you to blossom in your feminine essence, ignite your feminine power, and embrace a life of freedom and fulfillment in Body, Mind, and Spirit.

I am ready for it!

From the palm of your hand

Without spending countless euros in coaching, without investing hours in therapy, and without having to figure it out on your own

You are magnificent!

Do you see your splendid beauty and your strength?

Do you allow yourself to feel the power of your rage and melt in the sweetness of your heart?

Do you recognize and cherish your amazing feminine gifts and your mysterious power to manifest any desire in your life?

Do you live your life honoring yourself through your actions, by following your values, completely at ease and anchored in self-assurance?

Do you feel content in your relationships, maintaining the balance between giving and receiving?

Maybe you do and you are an inspiration for everyone around you!

But maybe you have lost connection with the amazing woman you are due to years of outworking others, chasing goals, and in a genuine attempt to make a life for yourself.

Or maybe, you unknowingly lost that bright spark and wonder for life when trying to keep up with life’s demands of taking care of family and loved ones.

I am here to tell you…

There is no need to worry.

You can rest assured, your magnificence is present inside you, yearning to be awakened and thriving in this world, alive and aligned with complete fullness and freedom.

This is because the secret to unlocking your feminine bliss lies within you.

However, my dear lady, to experience your true vibrant, radiant, ever-flowing essence that you possess, you must gain the keys to those secrets yourself.


How is this possible?

To grow and thrive in your colorful expression and bright splendor, you must simply engage in the practice of reprogramming the mind.

During the day, our left brain spends hours on mental activity and analytical processes at a brain wavelength of 13-30 Hz.

Our right brain, which is responsible for our intuition, creativity, inner wisdom, imagination, and emotional intelligence operates at a slower wavelength of 8 Hz-12Hz.

When we are in a relaxed state or in meditation, we can access our subconscious minds.

At the moment the mind is still, one can absorb new concepts easier than the average person, with less effort and resistance.

It is at this stage where limiting beliefs are released and you can instill the formula for self-love, self-acceptance, happiness, fulfillment, and self-empowerment into yourself.

With correct guidance and gentle self-inquiry, you will elevate yourself to a more connected you, a more abundant you, and a you riding on the waves of bliss in your life.

Yes, I want this for myself

How to tap into your feminine essence



Relax your entire body

Take time to sit and put yourself in a state of relaxation. This opens up your subconscious & you can implant the idea from your conscious mind into your subconscious mind.



Focus on the present moment

Focus on the 'I AM' state and be present while listening. You will feel an expansion taking place. From this moment I will guide you to apply my special formulas.



Change Brain Chemistry

Your brain transitions from the beta wavelength (high mental activity)(13-30 Hz) to the alpha wavelength (relaxed states of consciousness) (8-12Hz) The mind is now open to absorb more information & be more creative.



Release limiting beliefs

The brain in the alpha state is at a wavelength where you can break from the shackles of low vibrational thoughts of self-doubt, anxiety, fear & insecurity.



Change self concept

Use the formulas provided to visualize the end image of what you want and the feelings associated with being in alignment with your highest self.



Blossom like the wild feminine flower you are!

Allow yourself to embody your most free, fulfilled, and luminous version of yourself that is in a state of constant bliss by immersing yourself in the process.

This isn’t a painful or difficult journey but I must tell you it isn’t a walk in the park either.

There is also a special twist.

Under my guidance and expertise, you will come out of each session refreshed and illuminated, and rich in insights.

And to top it all off, you will always leave every practice, with a stronger sense of inner knowing and trust within yourself!

You will come to understand the extraordinary power that you possess and be monumentally changed as a woman when you finally discover your true identity and gifts.

Yes, I want this!

The proof is in the pudding

Many stars of the silver screen have also reprogrammed their minds to light their inner feminine essence ablaze, completely revitalizing their own feelings about themselves and how others perceive them.

“I daydreamed chiefly about beauty. I dreamed of myself becoming so beautiful that people would turn to look at me when I passed. And I dreamed of colours - scarlet, gold, green, white. I dreamed of myself walking proudly in beautiful clothes and being admired by everyone and overhearing words of praise. I made up the praises and repeated them aloud as if someone else were saying them.”- Marilyn Monroe

Here, Marilyn shares how she reprogrammed her mind to become a beacon of beauty and brilliance in the glamorous world of show business.

Jennifer Lopez is also talking about visualizations as one of her main way to re-program her success and her life.


Are you ready?

Will you be the next lady to experience a life of ultimate freedom, growth, and meaning through your feminine expression?

Hi! My name is Mariya

I am in a beautiful relationship with the man of my dreams, a mother and a successful femininity coach. I feel deeply called to serve women in their journey to connecting and embracing their femininity. I have helped countless women over the span of seven years to find balance and fulfillment in their lives.

My search for the meaning of womanhood helped me discover aspects of myself I did not know existed.

I was successful in my career, in achieving goals and making money in a structured, organized masculine way, but something was missing. I was afraid to look into myself. I did not feel acceptance and self-love for who I was. I didn't know how to work with my energy.

Then I mustered up this tiny seed of courage, which allowed me to look into myself, and with the right guidance, I discovered this amazing source of bliss, love and fulfillment with myself.

It was through this time of self-reflection and self-study I found home within myself, anchoring myself in self-worth, and basking in the beauty and brightness of my femininity.

This elevation in myself birthed one of my most powerful and precious trainings that I am offering you today which is most dear to my heart.


Unlock the secrets of your feminine bliss

A fully packed, intricately designed experience guaranteed to align you with your inner essence, with practices to empower you to be the free, fabulous, and fulfilled woman you truly are.

This training is completely revolutionary as it is not a quick fix, and unlike any program out there, is not a band-aid to cover up any blemishes you possibly may have.

  • You will not need to spend countless hours, investing time and money to go deeper into yourself. The process should be simple. That’s why I customized this training into 20-minute snippets that are so simple that anyone can absorb and apply the teachings.
  • You will no longer be riddled with self-doubt, anxiety, or excessive criticism towards your body. I will guide you to unearthing the source of your beliefs and explore how to embrace yourself and plant the seed of self-love into your mind.
  • You should be at ease to know that there is no time limit in completing the program. This is a self-paced online program that you can access from the comfort of your home. And you have access to it for a lifetime!
  • You will not feel like this program is another task you have to cross off your to-do list. Instead, you will feel inspired and excited to integrate it into your life and daily routine.
Oh yes! I want this!

Unlock the secrets of your feminine bliss

A fully packed, intricately designed experience guaranteed to align you with your inner essence, with practices to empower you to be the free, fabulous, and fulfilled woman you truly are.

This training is completely revolutionary as it is not a quick fix, and unlike any program out there, is not a band-aid to cover up any blemishes you possibly may have.

  • You will not need to spend countless hours, investing time and money to go deeper into yourself. The process should be simple. That’s why I customized this training into 20-minute snippets that are so simple that anyone can absorb and apply the teachings.
  • You will no longer be riddled with self-doubt, anxiety, or excessive criticism towards your body. I will guide you to unearthing the source of your beliefs and explore how to embrace yourself and plant the seed of self-love into your mind.
  • You should be at ease to know that there is no time limit in completing the program. This is a self-paced online program that you can access from the comfort of your home. And you have access to it for a lifetime!
  • You will not feel like this program is another task you have to cross off your to-do list. Instead, you will feel inspired and excited to integrate it into your life and daily routine.
Oh yes! I want this!

From my heart

I’m offering you this most precious training that has been used by countless women, from homemakers to businesswomen, from mothers to career-oriented women who are in search of their feminine essence in an overly masculine world and who dream of a fulfilled life grounded in trust, joy, self-worth and feminine confidence.

Give yourself permission to shine with this simple, step-by-step training that can be completed in just twenty minutes a day.

  • Breaking down the formulas and fundamentals of femininity concepts that have worked wonderfully for my clients for over 7 years as a personal coach.
  • Revealing the core principles of quantum psychology and physics that elevate you to your most aligned and abundant self just by using this training.
  • Giving you the roadmap, the tools, and the guidance to connect you with your feminine essence and revel in the power you hold as a woman.

And this is just a taste of the treats that I have made for you.

Here’s a glimpse of the real magic that is enclosed in "Unlock the secrets of your feminine bliss":

What does the program consists of?

I embrace my feminine power.png

You will discover how to connect to your feminine essence through exploration of the 4 great elements that make up the cosmos. (earth, air, fire, water). Then, I will show you the specially proven techniques needed to break free from all limiting beliefs as well as two sacred mantras that will allow you to deepen your relationship with your inner woman and honor the diversity and complexity within you.

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Here, I am sharing with you the ultimate beauty formula guaranteed to give you a deeper appreciation for your body, and love for the skin you’re in. You will learn the actual true concept of beauty and the precise steps you need to apply to radiate that beautiful glow inside and out.

I deserve and I can receive.png

This is a transformative practice that will illuminate the dynamics of your relationships. I lead you with some eye-opening exercises to allow you to examine your personal boundaries and the intricate balance of giving and receiving in partnerships. I also guide you to shed any old patterns that you have carried from childhood through gentle self-inquiry.

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This is a powerful feminine embodiment practice. You will awaken to the richness of your sensuality and ignite the flames of seductive energy with yourself. You will discover how to liberate yourself, and experience the bliss and fullness of your body. You will open up and experience the sensual power you hold.

What to expect from the program?

I created this program with all the knowledge, skills, and wisdom I have under my belt, which makes it a one-of-a-kind, easy to follow, and packed with powerful practices. It is intensely immersive, and crafted with care, especially for you.

The toolkit used in "Unlock the secrets of your feminine bliss" includes visualizations, self-inquiry, feminine embodiment, NLP, positive psychology and inner child work.

By following the practices from the program, you will:

  • Fall in love with your body
  • Become comfortable receiving
  • Feel a greater feminine confidence
  • Replace your limiting beliefs with new ones that serve you better
  • Feel more self-acceptance, also when it comes to your "darker" side
  • Be motivated to get on the pilot seat and create the life you are dreaming about
  • Trust easier
  • Feel juicier and experience more sexual pleasure

This program is a game-changer. It will completely revolutionize how you view and navigate the world. It is a specialized, value-packed system filled with proven science-backed strategies to allow you to welcome a more radiant, grounded, and fulfilled feminine you.

Because I like a cherry on top...

I am including some enticing bonuses to make the program even more powerful:


Trust and the ability to surrender


I am so invested in your growth that I am giving you this ebook containing one of the core aspects of harnessing your feminine power. I encourage you to take full advantage of your untapped potential by utilizing the wisdom loaded in this ebook.

You gain access to specific exercises that target your body through yoni egg exercises, engage your mind through self-inquiry and shadow work, and science-backed principles that will propel you to the ultimate free, flowing, and fulfilled lady you are.


I deserve and I can receive


This bonus contains a packed guide with the most effective tools for examining the concept of self-worth, exploring factors connected to self-worth, and nurturing the seeds of self-worth within yourself and in your relationships.


I am the designer of my life


In this audio bonus you receive multiple guiding prompts to awaken you and help you explore the path you are on in life. You will get several potent exercises designed to steer you in the direction of your highest self and align you with your deepest desires.

With "Unlock the secrets of your feminine bliss", your cup will be filled and your heart will be open and joyful

Sounds great! So how much does it cost?

When you join the training today, you will get:

  • My four powerful core visualizations, containing feminine embodiment practice, elements of NLP, positive psychology, inner child work and self-inquiry (€ 492)
  • Trust and the ability to surrender - E-book to unfold your feminine potential by harnessing one of the core aspects of your femininity (€ 69)
  • I deserve and I can receive - guide to nurture the seeds of self-worth yourself and within your relationships (€ 69)
  • I am the designer of my life - audio to help you steer in the direction of your highest self and to align you with your deepest desires (€ 49)

That's a total value of € 679.

But I don't charge anywhere near that to reveal to you how to unlock your feminine bliss. I want this program to be accessible to every woman who wants to work on her femininity.

If you are ready to look into yourself, to change your limiting beliefs, to discover a new level of your sensuality, to learn to receive and to trust.....

you can have "Unlock the secrets of your feminine bliss" for just....€49.

Oh! and the best part: You are taking no risk with this program, because there is a 30-day Money back guarantee!

Unlock the secrets of your feminine bliss

A package of visualizations


Powerful and transformative audio visualizations designed to help you bloom your femininity and connect you to the depth and mystery of who you are born to be.


Get instant access

The Choice is Yours

I truly believe that everyone has the ability to tackle everything that comes towards them in life, after all, it is only on our path for our growth and development.

However, if you desire to get the most out of your feminine experience, and would like to make the process of your feminine journey easier, less time-consuming, and more structured for real results…

I welcome you with open arms to "Unlock the secrets of your feminine bliss", where you can:

  1. Access the keys that will unlock the answers to your most embodied and abundant self.
  2. Awaken your inner truth and unearth the willpower and confidence to become the magician of your own life.
  3. Submerge yourself in the codes of self-love, self-acceptance, and self-worth allowing you to receive from others and be at ease

You also get a first-hand, up close, and personal experience on what it feels like to

  1. Silence the inner critic that lingers in your head and replace it with the inner wisdom of self-worth and self-love
  2. Remove the internal battle in your mind and find answers naturally by simply connecting to your body and by exploring how you feel in certain situations
  3. Love and adore yourself by reconnecting to the truest, highest version of yourself
  4. Evolve on your journey no matter your role in life (homemaker, CEO, or both) by attaining the teachings that will nurture your mind and help you bloom!

This femininity training is the garden to ensure that you bear the fruits of your feminine journey and discover the power and potential that lies within you.

It sure was for me.

I am ready to join for €49

Frequently asked questions

You have some questions? Maybe I have the answer you are looking for.