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did you hear the news? FREE LIVE TRAINING!

FREE TRAINING: Revive your relationship after kids

You love your partner but you've lost your spark? Reclaim the physical and emotional closeness in your relationship, even admits the chaos of parenting!

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Done with living a life on autopilot?

My work is all about helping you feel the freedom, bliss, vibrancy and abundance of your life when you connect to your femininity.

I want to know more

Spice up your love life as a mom?

Becoming a mom brings a unique set of joys and challenges, often reshaping the dynamics of our romantic relationships. Curious about how having kids has affected your relationship? With this FREE quiz you can assess the vitality of your passion and the health of your connection with your partner.

Take the quiz "Relationship After Kids"

Who am I?

I am Mariya Spasova, a femininity coach and a relationship after kids expert, a mom of two, a go-getter, a blogger, a teacher and a woman who constantly seeks balance.

I am an organization nerd. From vacation trips to brain-dumps, schedules and drawers, I get great pleasure creating structure out of an idea, organizing a pile of work, bringing order in the chaos.

I love girly movies, homemade caramelized popcorn and my yoga pants.

Learn more about me

Who am I?

I am Mariya Spasova, a femininity coach and a relationship after kids expert, a mom of two, a go-getter, a blogger, a teacher and a woman who constantly seeks balance.

I am an organization nerd. From vacation trips to brain-dumps, schedules and drawers, I get great pleasure creating structure out of an idea, organizing a pile of work, bringing order in the chaos.

I love girly movies, homemade caramelized popcorn and my yoga pants.

Learn more about me

The woman who wins in life, is the authentic feminine woman on the pilot seat

Ready for some inspiration?

In my blog I share my personal journey in real time; free mini-trainings on femininity, relationships and attracting a wonderful man; tips and tricks for the working women and for the fulfillment seekers. In copy and in video, this is the best place to get a taste of me and my work.


Jealousy in Friendships

More blogs

Want to go deeper?

My role as your femininity coach is to guide you to discover the mystery, beauty, abundance and bliss of your femininity; to increase your self-love and your confidence; to connect to your truth and your inner strength; to deepen the passion in your romantic relationships!

Designing a training or a workshop for me is a blissful explosion of creativity. I love the challenge of structuring and organizing logically all the information, knowledge and experience I have collected throughout the years, so that I build for you a bridge, a fast lane between where you are and where you want to go.

Work with me

How it looks like to have me in your corner?

“Mariya is a deep and insightful lady with a warm and caring personality. Sessions with her have always been a feast for the soul and have helped me to deepen my understanding of myself and achieve times of clarity while navigating in a complex world. Thank you for the time we share.”



“...I love how Mariya helps me reconsider topics that are troubling, giving things a different perspective and highlighting how powerful I am, something that I often ignore. I feel very energized after our sessions, and I find Mariya a true partner in my personal and professional growth.”

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“...Mariya gave me some very helpful insights and different perspectives on the things I am dealing with in life right now. She is honest and will also tell you the things you don’t want to hear. I left our session feeling energized and powerful.”


The Netherlands

“Sharp, strategical and with a big optimistic smile on her face, Mariya manages to spot the core of the issue right away. … I have come to know Mariya as an intuitive person who does not shy away from anything in a "Dutch" way. She offers her respectful point of view, always full of insights.”


The Netherlands

“…She is excellent at getting to the root of whatever. Knows when to let you talk and when to ask questions. Holds up the mirror to let you see for yourself what's going on without passing judgement and guiding you to the answers that were there all along...”


The Netherlands

“...Mariya made me realize I forget myself sometimes. She gave me insights in how to find more balance in a practical way, but also in a mental way. By asking the right questions she made me find surprising but very helpful answers…”


The Netherlands

“It was such a pleasure to work with Mariya. She has such a welcoming and intuitive nature, and she is an extremely talented coach. I highly recommend her services.”


United Kingdom

"Mariya is very friendly and knowledgeable. She is always prompt and prepared for the conversations. Mariya is not judgmental and knows how to listen. It’s been an absolute pleasure to work with Mariya."



“...Mariya welcomes the whole of you, and she doesn't only tell you what you need to hear, but makes you feel the power and motivation to do it and go through it. She helps people feel empowered. She is trustworthy, powerful, resourceful, empathic and kindly honest.”



“…I choose Mariya because of her focus on developing soft skills. She is always interested in you as a person, your drivers and your quests. She is master in finding the “why” behind your behaviour. She is really listening. She gets that you are in control of your own happiness.”


The Netherlands

“…I was overwhelmed, disappointed, stressed… Mariya dissected my day from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep. Before I new it, I had a timetable in front of me with my new daily routine…. I feel so much happier and fulfilled, and I have time and do the things that make me happy.”



"...I feel I have a new sense of self-awareness and self-love that I did not have before..."



“My session with Mariya was a wake-up call... She discovers what is already inside of me and gives me the tools to start doing it right away. So, dear Mariya, thank you for pushing me beyond my limiting boundaries.”



"In a single word - this course is powerful. It takes you on a deep and exciting journey into yourself and your femininity..."



"...A few days after the beginning of the course, I noticed a subtle change – I suddenly felt seen when I was walking on the street and more and more people I didn’t know, man and women, would smile and greet me or start a conversation with me..."


New Zealand

"...At the beginning I thought that a lot of the exercises were really easy but while doing them and going deeper into myself I found out where my insecurities were and how to overcome them..."



"...What I’ve learned from this course is: how to love and flirt with life; how to take care of myself in a gentle, easy and quick way; how to recognize and communicate with the man of my life; how to get access to an infinite source of energy..."



"...At the end of these exercises, I felt so humble, so calm and so released. I couldn’t believe that such exercises can have such an effect on you..."



"...The course felt like a gently guided path on which you walk and learn about yourself. Now I know a new magical language that I am speaking to myself and to the whole world..."


The Netherlands

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In the month following, though, I can really see and feel the impact this class has had on me. I have starting exercising again, as a form of active rest. Overall, I realize I'm more in charge of my time than I previously thought and spending it on higher quality activities...




To take “The art of having time for everything course” by Mariya Spasova was an excellent idea for me even though I took so many courses with the related topic. Her approach is different because it is oriented on a woman.



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The most greatest thing that I take away from this is the way we see time. I never ever considered that I am the time which totally changed my perspective, how I feel (less stressed) and that it's ok to set boundaries. It made me feel more powerful and in control!



“It was a truly life-changing experience. Through Relationship Reboot I’ve learned to value myself and to recognize my self-worth. I have never felt more relaxed or intimate in my relationship... “



"What I’ve learned from this course is: how to love and flirt with life; how to take care of myself in a gentle, easy and quick way; how to recognize and communicate with the man of my life; how to get access to an infinite source of energy..."



"I feel I have a new sense of self-awareness and self-love that I did not have before..."




"I struggled with accepting my body, my feminine nature, and honoring my desires. This program helped me face those aspects of myself through the calm, reassuring but potent messages that guided me through any harmful limiting beliefs I held and gently pushed me to do the inner work..."


Trinidad and Tobago

"This course has been a complete blessing to me and to my life. It has given me so much confidence and has empowered me as a woman...."


United Kingdom

"This course has been a complete blessing to me and to my life. It has given me so much confidence and has empowered me as a woman..."


United Kingdom

"Relationship Reboot has significantly influenced my life. The program has provided me with immediate results. Embracing my feminine energy has been liberating, allowing me to feel more authentic and confident in my own skin..."



"In a single word - this course is powerful. It takes you on a deep and exciting journey into yourself and your femininity...."

