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Reignite the passion in your relationship after kids

Discover the secrets to deeper physical and emotional connection with your partner and feel confident, seen and desired in your relationship!


When you are not connecting physically, you are not fully connecting emotionally either

What is it about?

This training is designed to empower you and to guide you to feel seen and desired by your man. You will discover the secrets to reclaiming the physical and emotional closeness in your relationship, even admits the chaos of parenting.

Hi! I am Mariya Spasova

I am a femininity and relationship after kids coach with over 9 years of experience working with women. I am also a wife and a mother of two.

I believe that in her relationship, every woman deserves to feel safe, to share her love fiercely, to explore her desires, to truly connect with her partner, to feel seen and appreciated as a whole woman and to experience ecstatic pleasure.

That's why I'm excited to share my personal and professional secrets on creating deeply fulfilling emotional and physical intimacy in your relationship after having kids.

Free Live Training

Reignite the passion in your relationship after kids

Turn your relationship after kids into a passionate love affair! This training isn't about surviving parenthood; it's about thriving as a couple even in the midst of diapers, sleepless nights, tantrums, school dramas and screen time fights.

The type of results my clients are getting

"I feel I have a new sense of self-awareness and self-love that I did not have before..." Rachel, USA

"This training has been a complete blessing to me and to my life. It has given me so much confidence and has empowered me as a woman." Lora, UK

"In a single word - this training is powerful. It takes you on a deep and exciting journey into yourself and your femininity." Bogdana, Bulgaria

"A few days after the beginning of the course, I noticed a subtle change – I suddenly felt seen when I was walking on the street " Tanya, New Zealand

"What I’ve learned from this training is: how to love and flirt with life; how to take care of myself in a gentle, easy and quick way; how to recognize and communicate with the man of my life." Radostina, Bulgaria

"I struggled with accepting my body, my feminine nature, and honoring my desires. This training helped me face those aspects of myself and my limiting beliefs I held and gently pushed me to do the inner work." Nyla, Trinidad and Tobago